A Million Things to Talk About: Sports Talk - Positive and Negative Impacts

Sports Talk- Positive and Negative Impacts 

By: Matt Sternak

About the Podcast: When it comes to sports there are two types of people stort lovers and people who could care less about them. In the world, there are about 265 million people who play sports each year and about 63% that watch them on TV. With that many people being fans and engaged in sports you would think that there wouldn't be a lot of controversy on whether sports have a positive or negative influence on people. People of different backgrounds and fans of different sports will have a wide variety of different viewpoints. However, what seems to be most interesting is how every person's life is surrounded by sports. Sports advertising sports games sports apparel. All that high schoolers talk about is the next game or how they did on tryouts. Sports teams all over the world represent their countries. Go head-to-head with one another trying to score points and bring home a victory. But it's not only adults and professionals that play these sports it's also children and teenagers. Even though sports have been around since the beginning of mankind. Till today, we're faced with the same question. Do Sports have a positive or negative influence on people?

Podcast: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1moZ8SUmolZ_Wcb8kuxQmzyRn4obwudSA/view?usp=sharing
About Me:  Hi, welcome to my blog, "A Million Things to Talk About". I'm your host Matt Sternak and I am currently 15 years old and a sophomore at Fenton High School. Some of my hobbies are hockey, soccer, and rollerblading. Both my mom and my dad are polish, and I have four siblings. The youngest one is 5 years old. His name is Kamil then we have Anna, Damian, Lukasz, and me. I got to admit being an older brother of four younger siblings isn't easy, but let's just say I make it work. My family and I like to travel not only around the country but also to Europe, Asia, and Mexico. Overall, I say we are pretty active. My siblings and I all participate in sports and enjoy spending time outside with one another.
My siblings and I
My favourite siblings Kamil I Ania
Me in Paris France

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Mateusz Sternak
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Merkel, Donna L. “Youth sport: positive and negative impact on young athletes”Open access journal of sports medicine vol. 4 151-60. 31 May. 2013, doi:10.2147/OAJSM.S33556

"Benefits to College Student-Athletes" www.ncca.org Benefits to College Student-Athletes | NCAA.org - The Official Site of the NCAA May 11, 2018

Interviews with:                          

  • Lukasz Sternak
  • Daniel Wieczorek
  • Fate Bawani
Contact Info:                           



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