Student Loans - Are They A Problem?

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My podcast, titled "Problems" discussed the topic of student loans. I focus on some of the positive aspects of them as well as the negative aspects.  It's important to keep both of these types of aspects in mind which is the message I'd like to get across here.  I think it's also important to acknowledge how student loans change peoples' views of college or universities.  It may instill fear, which I don't believe is the initial goal.  Schools obviously want people to apply to them, but if money becomes too big of an issue it may result in fewer applicants.  More of this is discussed in my podcast linked below.  

A Little About Myself
Hi! I'm Ola. I am 15 years old and I enjoy the typical things a fifteen-year-old enjoys.  I often hang out with friends and family, stress over school, and make fun of my sister.  Being 15 speaking about this topic, I think it'll open up a door to a different mindset about student loans.  My goal with this podcast is to simply make people aware of how things are on the topic of loans, and how they are changing.  

Left: Me :)
Right: My sister


Works Cited:

Levin, Michael. "The Case for Torture: Terrorism and Torture." Newsweek. 7 Jun. 1982.
Jones, Lamont, Jr. "Study: Student Loan Debt for Millennials Becoming More Manageable." Diverse Issues in Higher Education, 6 Sept. 2018, p. 7.
"Student Loans." Personal Finance, edited by Miranda Herbert Ferrara and Michele P. LaMeau, Gale, 2015, pp. 93-98. Life and Career Skills Series Vol. 1. Student Resources In Context, Accessed 12 Nov. 2018.


  1. Everything looks so good and your topic is very interesting. : )

  2. I like the moving picture in the beginning

  3. I liked how your podcast was very informational about student loans, and I also liked how you organized your blog page.

  4. Wow! This was super well done! I love the topic you picked. It's something that a lot of people in high school don't think about until they're hit with them. Anyways, your podcast was really good. Everything you said was clear and you gave us a lot of insight. Good job!

  5. Your page is very aesthetically pleasing and nice to look at. I love how you pick a topic that a lot of people are worried about in the real world and is informative and interesting.

  6. Your page looks really nice and simple (which isnt a bad thing). And your podast is informative and easy going, which is nice to listne to. I can see you did a lot of research to get a good understanding about student loans. You are able to simplify student loans and tell us about it in the podcast. You clarify what students loans mean fir the listener so Good job!


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